Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

Important to know

  • The outer part of your stomach os removed to make a long narrow tube
  • "The sleeve gastrectomy is recognised as providing excellent sustained weight loss"
  • Less time in hospital and quicker recovery

In a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy the outer part of your stomach is removed to create a long narrow tube.

This operation is usually performed laparoscopically (by keyhole surgery) and requires only a few days in hospital.

This is a keyhole surgery and one of the main benefits of this type of surgery is that it is minimally invasive and you will typically have just a few days in hospital and recovery is considerably quicker.

Understanding the surgery

The stomach is greatly reduced in it's volume and ability to contain food. It requires less food to feel full. With time this may change. You’ll usually be in hospital overnight

The outcomes of your surgery

Most weight loss takes place over the first 12 months. At first eating is quite restricted but as your stomach recovers you should be able to eat three small meals a day. For the first four weeks after surgery your food is puréed. Then you can move on to soft foods. By six months most people can eat about a quarter size of their previous meals. This means that at restaurants you should be able to eat entrée sized meals and feel satisfied. You may also find that you lose your appetite completely so it will be important to eat your three small meals a day and take your multivitamins and drink about 1.5 – 2.0 litres of fluid a day, to make sure you get enough nutrition.

“The sleeve gastrectomy is now recognised as providing excellent sustained weight loss with resolution of many coexisting medical conditions and has great long term patient satisfaction and improved quality of life.”


The amount of weight people lose varies. Remember, the operation is only one part of the process. It’s important to focus on eating healthily and maintaining regular exercise. For some people food can be a form of comfort or response to stress. For others their relationships can change after surgery. Talk to your counsellor if you have any problems dealing with these types of issues. It’s important to be aware that weight loss surgery is a big step and can lead to changes in the way you feel about yourself and your relationship with others – remember your counsellor/psychotherapist is here to help. Sometimes after surgery people lose a lot of weight and they develop loose folds of skin – you can speak to a plastic surgeon in the future if this becomes a concern.